Had an incredibly busy weekend as my Mom was in town. On Friday after work we were going to head down to West Hampstead to have a bite to eat after she finished reading The Da Vinci Code (yes, she is one of the few who had read it or seen the movie). She had started it that morning and like many others couldn't put it down until she was done.
We ended up going nowhere as my Landlord and Landlady who live upstairs knocked on the door asking if we would like to join them for some nibbles and wine. Ah…YES. We ended up sitting around on the patio for hours chatting and drinking.
Was wonderful to get to know them.
Got up around 8 the next morning. I had planned to take my Mom on some belated Mother's Day events. However as my mom was getting ready, I started to smell some weird smoke. She had plugged her curling iron into what she thought was a step down adapter but was really only an adapter for appliances (such as computers) that don't need a current conversion. Well, the iron was a-melting.
And so I was off to find a new one. The only one I could find was £20 (which seems like a lot for a curling iron). And then I ran home. It was a little after 10 and we had to be at the London Eye for our scheduled trip at 11:30. I had booked a trip that included a tour guide that would explain everything since I know nothing.
We sprinted towards the bus stop when Mom stopped and wondered, "Did I unplug the curling iron?" I would have laughed if I wasn't crying. Well, it was unplugged and we were off again.
We made it to the Eye with not a moment to spare. But my Mom looked terrified. I didn't think the height would bother her. And luckily when we went up it didn't. It really was a great tour. Here is a picture of what the Eye looks like:

And this is what each Eye-Pod is like:

And then the view of the Houses of Parliament from on High:

After that we went to the Star Wars exhibit which has a bunch of original props, models, costumes, drawings etc. Mom has always loved Star Wars so this was a real treat.
We went to Leicester Square after to buy some theatre tickets as she really wanted to see the Mousetrap. She adores Agatha Christie and the chance to she her play where it has been running for 55 years (!) was too much to give up.
But before the play it was off to Hampstead Heath for a walk around the wonderfully peaceful (however cluttered with people) park.
And so, after the play (which was quite entertaining) Saturday was finally over and I was exhausted.
On to Sunday where the day started early again going to the medieval castle known as the Tower of London. When I was a kid I thought the Tower of London meant that it was a huge tower where people were imprisoned -but it isn't really that at all.
Then we walked across picturesque Tower Bridge to the south bank where we proceeded to walk to the Houses of Parliament. It was a beautiful sunny day and we ended up walking, according to Mom's pedometer, 17000 steps! Exhausted after all of this sight-seeing it was off to an early dinner at the Gourmet Burger Kitchen in West Hampstead for an absolutely miraculously delicious avacodo bacon burger.
And then we collapsed in front of the TV at home.
Wow, just a crazy weekend.